Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School

Frequently Asked Questions


I am worried about my child's progress in learning - who should I talk to?

In the first instance, you should speak to your child's class teacher as they are responsible for your child's learning and assessment. However, you can also contact the SENDCo, Kristy Smith to make an appointment. All school staff can be contacted via the dojo app or via email enquiries@sfp.wwpat.org After a period of monitoring and in school support, we can refer to other services such as the Specialist Inclusion Team who can assess your child's needs and suggest ways to support your child in future. 


I think my child might have dyslexic tendencies - what can you do to help?

Raise your concerns with your child's class teacher who will have a detailed knowledge of your child's needs and can make adaptations to everyday practice such as using visual aids, simplifying language, coloured backgrounds, providing word mats and other prompts and schedule natural breaks in learning. We can also make a referral to the Specialist Inclusion Team who can carry out an in depth assessment. A report will be shared with school and home with suggestions of how we can support your child. 

More information can be found on the British Dyslexia Association website.


My child is suffering from anxiety/aggressive outbursts/depression/self harm - what support is available?

Initially, you should speak to your child's class teacher who can make adaptations to their everyday practices such as introducing the Zones of Regulation for communicating  emotions, reminding children to use taught strategies for calming, providing a calm area or Time to Talk with our Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) lead, Mrs Jayne Taylor or another trusted adult in school.

If your child is still regularly overwhelmed by their emotions, you can arrange a meeting with the SENDCo, Kristy Smith, via the dojo app or email enquiries@sfp.wwpat.org Together we can complete an Early Help Assessment to access a range of parenting courses tailored to manage emotional related behaviours at home. We can also refer to the CAMHS Getting Advice Team for professional advice around mental health needs. Where appropriate, we will invite you to termly Achievement through Partnership meetings to discuss and review Key Actions related to your child's needs. If appropriate, we can also seek further professional advice from the Educational Psychologist.

There is lots of useful information on the Young Minds website including a parent's helpline.


I believe my child has ADHD or Autism - what support is available?

You can discuss your child's needs with their class teacher. We may ask you to complete a Sensory Questionnaire so that we can create a Sensory Profile for your child and make adaptations to our classroom practices for example we may Meet and Greet your child, use visual timetables and other visual cues, chunk instructions and simplify language using your child's name first (name/command/thank you), support your child with friendships and other social skills such as turn taking, plan sensory/learning/movement breaks throughout the day. We can also use the Zones of Regulations to help your child communicate how they are feeling and develop strategies to manage their emotions. We will need to evidence these strategies and their impact before we can refer to CAMHS for further assessment, this can be done at termly Achievement through Partnership Meetings, which will be arranged by the SENDCo, Kristy Smith. 

There is lots of useful information about Autism on the National Autistic Association

Information about ADHD can be found on the NHS website

 You can also complete an online sensory questionnaire which will give you some strategies to manage your child's sensory needs. 


I am struggling to manage my child's behaviour at home - can you help?

Arrange a meeting with the SENDCo, Kristy Smith. We believe that every behaviour is an unmet need therefore we can explore what your child's needs may be for instance your child may have sensory seeking behaviours. We can discuss strategies that may support your child at home and make adaptations to the school day as necessary.

In addition, we can complete an Early Help Assessment to access a range of parenting programmes designed to help parents manage a variety of behaviours at home. If appropriate, we can seek further professional advice from the Educational Psychologist.


I think my child needs an Education and Health Care (EHC) Plan - what can I do?

 This can be discussed in termly Achievement through Partnership Meetings or you can arrange a meeting with the SENDCo who can be contacted via dojo or via email enquiries@sfp.wwpat.org . We will need to show evidence of the child's special educational need and how we have supported the child. This may also include reports from other agencies involved in supporting the child. Parents can also request an assessment for EHC. More information can be found here.

If you would like impartial advice or peer support when attending these meetings you can contact Rotherham SENDIASS