Relationships and Health Education (RHE)
Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their personal and social lives in a positive way.
Our RHE curriculum is a sequenced, spiral programme that builds on prior learning as pupils progress through school. We aim for our children to achieve the following:
- They will have personal attributes such as kindness, integrity, generosity, and honesty.
- They will know the importance of respecting others and value diversity.
- They will take responsibility for their actions.
- They will have the knowledge and capability to take care of themselves and receive support if problems arise.
- They will develop resilience and character so that they can be happy, successful and productive members of society.
- They will believe that they can achieve goals (both academic and personal) even when the reward is distant and can recover from knocks and challenging periods in their lives.
- They will have concern for the environment and know ways of having a sustainable future.
- They will know about the characteristics of a healthy family life and that all families are different.
- They will know the characteristics of a good friendship and how to resolve conflict without the use of violence or cruelty.
- They will know how to recognise bullying and how to seek help.
- They will know how to stay safe online.
- They will recognise feelings of being unsafe and will have the vocabulary and confidence to report it.
- They will know a range of vocabulary to discuss a range of emotions.
- They will be able to judge if the way they are feeling is appropriate and proportionate.
- The will know a range of self-help techniques to promote mental wellbeing.
- They will know the mental and physical benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
- They will know the facts about legal and illegal harmful substances including smoking, alcohol use and drug-taking.
- They will know about the importance of personal hygiene including hand washing and oral hygiene.
- They will know key facts about puberty and the changing adolescent body including the menstrual cycle
Key concepts
Relationships in RHE describes the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults. It also promotes respect and a celebration of the diverse world we live in.
In RHE lessons at Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School, children will learn about;
- The role of families
- The characteristics of a healthy friendship
- The characteristics of a respectful relationships
- The importance of respecting difference and challenging stereotypes
- The risks associated with online relationships
Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline.
Risks, in the context of RHE, encompasses all of the things that might go wrong living in the wider world and online.
In RHE lessons at Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School, children will learn about;
- Risks that they will encounter in the wider world and online.
- A range of strategies to manage these difficult situations.
- How to protect themselves and keep themselves safe.
Health and wellbeing describes physical health and the benefits and characteristics of an active lifestyle and healthy eating. It also explains the associated risks of an unhealthy lifestyle. Furthermore, it explains that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health.
In RHE lessons at Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School, children will learn about:
- How to maintain physical health and the benefits of this.
- How to maintain good health and how to recognise the early signs of ill health.
- How to maintain mental wellbeing.
Children need to grow up with the skills and knowledge to live in our ever changing world. They will learn about a range of topics including being a responsible and contributing citizen of their community, their country and the wider world. We will learn about the reasons for rules and consequences for not adhering to these rules; financial responsibility; careers and future aspirations and how to take care of our environment at both a local level and world wide.
In RHE lessons at Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School, children will learn about:
- Jobs and career opportunities.
- Economic wellbeing and financial responsibility.
- Environment and sustainable living.
- Roles and responsibilities in the community