Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School

Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Rookery Road, Mexborough, South Yorkshire, S64 8HP


01709 874418

Our Curriculum



To spark passion and ambition in a range of disciplinary distinctive curriculum subjects.

Prepared for the next stage in their learning journey by building on knowledge and concepts in a progressive and sequenced way.


The National Curriculum

Each of our curriculum subjects is built upon the purpose, aims and subject content outlined in the National Curriculum. The purpose and aims help to underpin the overall structure of the curriculum and the subject content represents a minimum offer for learners which is built on by leaders in our ambitious curriculum.

Key Concepts

Our curriculum leaders name key disciplinary and substantive concepts which run through each curriculum subject. These named concepts have been selected following in depth research using sources including, but not limited to, the National Curriculum, subject associations, research review series and other academic reviews.

These named concepts are used by teachers to construct clear narratives throughout children’s curriculum journeys. They help to inform leaders on the essential content to be prioritised in lessons and across sequences of lessons.

Curriculum leaders have developed end point milestones which clearly name what it is children are expected to know about each concept by the end of year 2, year 4 and year 6.

Long Term Planiing

Our long term plans, which can be viewed on each curriculum page outline the areas of study for each curriculum subject across school. They are presented in a matrix against the key concepts. This gives a clear picture of what is taught, which concepts are addressed and how this is built upon throughout children’s school journey.

Medium Term Planning

Our medium term plans outline the content of each area of study. This content is organised into clear sequences within lessons and across a series of lessons building progressively. In each medium term plan, leaders detail the content from previously taught lessons that must be retrieved and then built upon. This includes content from, previous lessons, previous units and previous school years.

The content of these medium term plans is carefully labelled to inform teachers about which key concepts the knowledge relates to, what children have been previously taught and need to know and how the content should be sequenced.

Short Term Planning

Throughout the process of curriculum planning teachers develop a clear roadmap for each sequenced and progressive curriculum area. Using the school’s teaching and learning model, they then craft lessons which build upon children’s prior knowledge, strengthen their knowledge and understanding of key concepts, challenge misconceptions and introduce new content in manageable ways to avoid cognitive overload.