Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School




Our aim in our science curriculum at Swinton Fitzwilliam Primary School is...

  • To develop understanding of the world around them through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 
  • To encourage excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. 
  • To be able to reason why certain things happen the way they do. 
  • To inform personal choices involving their own health and the natural environment. 
  • To give them the necessary skills in an ever changing world. 
  • To develop critical thinking when considering evidence and recognise when it is being used selectively. 
  • To develop systematic problem-solving skills that can be applied in other parts of their life. 
  • To be equipped with scientific skills that are required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. 
  • To be able to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse causes. 
  • To have opportunities for hands-on experiences to further understanding.


Key Concepts

Disciplinary concepts

Investigation in science is the exploration for an answer to a question that has been posed. 

  • There are 5 different types of investigation: observation over time, fair test, classification, pattern spotting and using secondary sources. 

  • Different types of investigation are used as appropriate to answer the question that has been posed. 

  • Investigation of a question can lead to further investigations depending on the results.

Explanation in science is the reasoning of why something has occurred in a certain way. 

  • From investigations, the results are explained from what has been found out as well as supported from other knowledge. 

  • Explanations can take the form of oral or written and may use different features such as graphs and diagrams. 

Application in science is how scientific knowledge can be used throughout life and the impact that it can have on society. 

  • Science is used in a range of different ways in everyday life. 

  • Scientific discoveries can have an impact on society and how we live and behave. 

  • Scientific discoveries can lead to questions about the spiritual, moral, social and cultural impact.

substantive concepts

Structures in science is how everything is made up from atoms to larger structures of animals and planets. 

  • Everything in the known universe (except energy) is made up of atoms. 

  • The way that atoms are structured determines what state of matter they take for example solid, liquid and gas. 

  • All plants and animals are structured in a certain way to create the thing as we know it. Some of these structures can be grouped for example vertebrates and invertebrates. The structure of plants and animals are influenced by their adaptation to their environment. 

  • The universe itself is structured in a way that has had an influence on the planets. Earth’s location in the solar system has made it ideal for life to flourish. 

  • Each planet is structured in a way that is linked to its creation and position in the solar system.

Function in science is the range of different uses everything in the universe has.

  • Function in different body parts enables the animal to work properly for example the digestive and circulatory systems. 

  • Each part of a plant has different functions that work cohesively, for example the leaves take in sunlight to help make food through photosynthesis. 

  • In electricity, different components have different functions that can be used for real life applications. 

  • Materials have a range of different properties that make them suitable for a range of different functions.

Variation in science is the differences between different things and the impact that has.

  • There is variation between every living thing even when they are part of the same species. 

  • Variation can lead to evolution when a certain aspect leads to the living thing being better suited to its environment. 

  • There is variation between habitats due to location as well as the impact from external factors such as global warming. 

  • Variation in sound can cause different pitches and volume. The vibration in the sound wave causes the sound to be perceived differently. 

  • Variation between materials can be caused by different states of matter. The variation of materials can make them better suited to different uses.

Cause and effect in science is how the impact of one event/reaction can have a range of different consequences.

  • The ecosystem of habitats is carefully balanced. If one animal/plant was to increase or decrease in population this would affect the whole ecosystem. 

  • States of matter can be altered due to external influences for example heat can melt a solid. 

  • In electricity, adding different components to a circuit can affect how the circuit works. More lightbulbs in a circuit causes more resistance to the flow of electricity and this causes the light bulbs to not emit as bright a light. 

  • In light, shadows can appear differently due to distance from the light source as well as the type of material blocking the light. 

  • In sound, changing different factors such as the thickness of a string can impact on the pitch of the sound. 

  • The amount of force acting on an object is affected by how the object behaves and what it is made of. 

  • Living things can alter due to external influences. For example when a plant is denied one of the key components for it to grow the plant’s appearance and function will alter. In humans, nutrition and exercise can influence how the human body functions. 

  • Rocks can change due to factors such as heat and erosion. Metamorphic rocks are formed due to intense pressure.

Energy in science is power. This can be from electricity, forces, kinetic or the energy transferred in living things.

  • Energy is stored with batteries or made and conducted through the mains as electricity. 

  • When a force causes an object to move, energy is transferred. 

  • Energy is transferred through living things in a food chain/web

 Science Long Term Plan 2022.pdfDownload
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